Historic Preservation efforts within the Village of Allouez are lead by the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). The purpose of the commission is to carry out directives of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. The HPC reviews all Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) applications. This application process is to ensure substantial modifications to the exteriors of locally designated historic properties keep with the historic integrity of the structure or neighborhood. Along with COA reviews, the commission works closely with the Historic Allouez Society and the Brown County Trust for Historical Preservation to jointly promote awareness, education, and protection of our history.
The HPC meets as needed the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Allouez Village Hall.
Is Your Home Listed on the State Register of Historic Places?
Find out if your home is on the State Register of Historic Places, how to properly care for your historic home, and more on the Wisconsin Historical Society website.
Certificate of Appropriateness
If you are proposing an exterior change to a historic property, complete the Certification of Appropriateness application below and submit it to Trevor Fuller, Director of Planning and Community Development.
Community Development Forms
Permit required prior to renting a mobile storage unit or construction dumpster.
A Certificate of Appropriateness is needed when there are plans for reconstructing, altering, or demolishing the exterior of a property locally designated by the Village as historic.
Visit our Building Inspector page page to learn which projects require a building permit application.
Community Development Contacts
Trevor Fuller, AICP
Director of Planning and Community Development
920-448-2800 x 134