The Village of Allouez Street Department is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the sanitary sewer system. The system is comprised of 61 miles of sanitary sewer and 2 lift stations which work to transport wastewater from the Village to NEW Water for treatment.
Sewer Flushing
Each year the Village cleans 1/3 of the sewer system using a high-pressure sewer jetting truck. This process involves lowering a hose into the sewer main and flushing out sediment and potential clog- causing material from the sewer.

Public Works Forms
All bidders on Village of Allouez contracts shall provide proof of responsibility in accordance with Chapter 66.0901(2) of the Wisconsin State Statutes.
Sign up for EZ Pay to have your monthly water and sewer bill automatically deducted from your checking account on the bills due date. Learn more here.
Permit required prior to beginning a project that involves boring or cutting into the street right-of-way.
Permit required for the construction, repair, relay/reconnect, or abandonment of a sanitary, storm, or water service line within the Village.
Permit required for the construction of a new street access/driveway within the Village.