Go to My Vote Wisconsin for Voting Information

  • Register to Vote
  • Check your Voter Registration
  • Find your Polling Location
  • Request an Absentee Ballot
  • Track your Absentee Ballot
  • Check Provisional Ballot Status
  • See what is on the Ballot
Request Absentee Ballot
Track My Ballot
Military / Overseas
What’s On My Ballot
Find My Polling Location
Register to Vote
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Not able to get to the polls on Tuesday, April 1st? Prefer to vote early to avoid lines or in case of inclement weather? Vote Absentee!

An absentee ballot can be sent to you by applying online through MyVote.WI.gov or by filling out and returning an Application for Absentee Ballot to the Clerk’s Office. All mail requests must be received no later than March 27th by 5:00 pm.


Vote at our office for in-person absentee voting located at Allouez Village Hall, 1900 Libal Street

Office hours for in-person absentee voting are:

Tuesday, March 18th through Thursday, March 20th  7:30am – 4:00pm

Friday, March 21st 7:30am – 11:00am

Monday, March 24th through Wednesday, March 26th 7:30am – 4:00pm

Thursday, March 27th and Friday, March 28th 7:30am – 5:00pm

All polling locations are open from 7:00 am – 8:00 pm on Election Day

Information on your polling location can be found at MyVote.WI.gov or contact the Village Clerk’s Office.

**Wisconsin law requires voters to present a PHOTO ID.

Acceptable Photo ID                 Sample Ballot

Election Results February 21, 2025

2025 Election Dates

  • April 1, 2025 Spring General Election

Polling Locations

  • Wards 1 & 2 – Allouez Village Hall, 1900 Libal Street
  • Wards 3 & 4 – Allouez Village Hall, 1900 Libal Street
  • Wards 5 & 6 – Green Isle Pavilion, 900 Greene Avenue
  • Wards 7 & 8 – Green Isle Pavilion, 900 Greene Avenue
  • Central Count – Allouez Village Hall, 1900 Libal Street

The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

County District Map

County District 14

County District 15

Voter Registration Information

Proof of Residence Required

Voter Registration Information   / Voter Registration Application

You can register to vote up until the Friday before the election in the clerk’s office or on Election Day.  You must reside at your address for 28 consecutive days to be eligible to vote, and you may no longer use a corroborating witness as proof of residence.  Proof of residence is required when registering. Click here for more information on how to register to vote online. 

Election day, at-the-polls registration is still available for Wisconsin voters, but it’s always better to avoid lines and possible confusion by getting registered ahead of time.

Election day, at-the-polls registration is still available for Wisconsin voters, but it’s always better to avoid lines and possible confusion by getting registered ahead of time.

Absentee Voting Information

Proof of Identification Required

Absentee Voting Information /    Application for Absentee Ballot

Reminder: Photo ID is required to receive a ballot.

Check out My Vote Wisconsin– you can register to vote, check your voter registration status, find your polling place, see what’s on your ballot, request an absentee ballot (military and permanent overseas voters only), and check provisional ballot status.

To request an absentee ballot by mail, fill out the absentee request application or send us a letter requesting an absentee ballot (include your name, address, and signature). Photo ID must accompany your request unless you are requesting to be put on the indefinitely confined list, you are in the military, or are permanently overseas. Send your request to the Village Clerk, 1900 Libal Street, Green Bay, WI 54301.

If you need to register you will need to provide Proof of Residence.   Click here  for the Voter registration form. 

Note: If you have not voted in four years you may need to register again.

The law prohibits absentee voting and voter registration the Saturday, Sunday or Monday before an election. The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot by mail is the Thursday before each election.

Please note:  2011 Act 227 prohibits a voter who has voted and returned an absentee ballot from voting at the polling place on election day.

Military and Overseas Voting Information

Volunteer Poll Worker/Inspector

Become a Poll Worker / Election Inspector Application

If you are interested in working as an election inspector or would like more information, please contact our Village Clerk, Carrie at 920-448-2800 x 111 oremail Carrie or Deputy Clerk, Kim at 920-448-2800 x 101 or email Kim

Helpful Election Links