Street Parking Restrictions
Overnight Parking During Winter Months
§424-12 Overnight Parking During Winter Months
No parking on Village streets from November 1st through March 31st between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
The Village Administrator has the authority to call off or suspend the seasonal parking ban ordinance, weather permitting, after March 15th of any one year.
No Parking During Street Sweeping Operations
§424-11B(4) No Parking During Street Sweeping Operations
No parking on Village streets from April 1st through November 15th between 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the scheduled day for garbage pickup.
The intent of this provision is to enable street sweeping curb to curb during the no-parking periods.
Concerns regarding illegally parked vehicles on the street should be reported to the Brown County Sheriff’s Department non-emergency line at 920-391-7450.
Other Parking Restrictions
§318 Parking and Storage defines and regulates the particular types of vehicles and equipment that are authorized to park on residentially and commercially zoned property outside of an enclosed garage.

Camping Equipment, Motorcycle Trailers, Watercrafts and Watercraft Trailers
Dec 1 – Feb 28: No parking allowed.
Mar 1 – Nov 30: Parking permitted in the driveway or side yard atop a hard surface.
Snowmobile and Snowmobile Trailers
Apr 1 – Oct 31: No parking allowed.
Nov 1 – Mar 31: Parking permitted in the driveway or side yard atop a hard surface.
Empty Trailers, Utility Trailers, ATVs and ATV Trailers
Year Round: Parking permitted in the driveway or side yard atop a hard surface.
One utility trailer may be parked in the driveway or rear or side yard of a residentially zoned property year round and need not be on a hard surface.
The parking of more than two seasonal use trailers, enclosed trailers, utility trailers, and/or items of camping equipment simultaneously on a residentially or commercially zoned property is prohibited.
Concerns regarding illegally parked vehicles/equipment on private property should be reported to the Village’s Neighborhood Compliance Inspector.