Garbage is collected weekly: Monday-Thursday
Recycling is collected every-other-week: Monday-Thursday
Garbage/Recycling Pick-Up Guidelines
3 Steps for More Efficient Recycling Collection

Damaged Garbage/Recycling Carts
It is the responsibility of the property owner to replace damaged carts by purchasing a new one from the Village.
Carts were originally purchased by the Village for each residential property in 2004. They have exceeded their life expectancy and after years of regular use, frigid temperatures and harsh sunlight, the carts are beginning to break down. Going forward, it is the responsibility of the property owner to purchase a new one from the Village.
The cost of a new bin is $70.00 each. They can be purchased here or in person at Village Hall. Once paid for, they will be delivered to you.
Brown County Port & Resource Recovery Department
Village garbage and recyclables are hauled and disposed of at Brown County Transfer Stations (Recycling and Refuse).
Brown County currently operates a Single Stream Recycling Transfer Facility that transfers paper and commingled containers for county residents, business, and municipalities to the Tri-County Material Recovery Facility. The Solid Waste Transfer Station on West Mason Street currently transfers waste to the Brown County South Landfill as part of a three-county waste disposal agreement.
The Village is billed for the disposal of solid waste through a low-cost long-term Solid Waste Management Agreement with Brown County.

Is This Recyclable?
Betterbin and the Waste Wizard are online recycling resources provided by Tri-County Recycling. They take the guesswork out of recycling by providing a local search engine to determine if and how an item is recycled in Brown County.
Non-Collectible Items
Residents may bring non-collectible items to the following locations:
Public Works Forms
All bidders on Village of Allouez contracts shall provide proof of responsibility in accordance with Chapter 66.0901(2) of the Wisconsin State Statutes.
Sign up for EZ Pay to have your monthly water and sewer bill automatically deducted from your checking account on the bills due date. Learn more here.
Permit required prior to beginning a project that involves boring or cutting into the street right-of-way.
Permit required for the construction, repair, relay/reconnect, or abandonment of a sanitary, storm, or water service line within the Village.
Permit required for the construction of a new street access/driveway within the Village.