Utility Rates

The typical residential Village of Allouez water and sewer bill includes 5 charges: Water, Allouez Sewer, NEW Water (GBMSD) Sewer, Stormwater, and Public Fire Protection.

The Village of Allouez’s Water, Public Fire Protection, and Private Fire Protection rates are regulated by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.


Water charges are applied in two ways: a volume charge and a fixed charge dependent on meter size.

The rate structure used to bill residential water customers is referred to as a conservation rate. This structure provides the lowest rate to customers who use the least amount of water. Our conservation rate features three rate tiers that increase in cost after each of the following consumption thresholds are met: first 2,000 gallons used, next 8,000 gallons used, and over 10,000 gallons used per month.

Please keep in mind, that while our rates are set per thousand gallons, you are billed per hundred gallons of water used.

Allouez Sanitary Sewage

The Allouez Sanitary Sewage rates cover the cost of operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer infrastructure within the Village. This charge is applied in two ways: a volume charge and a fixed charge dependent on meter size.

NEW Water (GBMSD) Sanitary Sewage

The NEW Water Sanitary Sewage rates are set to recover the cost of wastewater treatment charges billed to the Village by NEW Water. This charge is applied in two ways: a volume charge and a fixed charge dependent on meter size.


Stormwater rates recover the cost of operating and maintaining the Village’s existing and future stormwater management systems. These systems include: storm sewers, swales, wet detention ponds, roadways and waterways. An Equivalent Runoff Unit (ERU) represents the average hard surface area for a residential parcel in the Village (3,663 SF). The current stormwater rate is $10.50 per ERU.

Public Fire Protection

The Public Fire Protection rates recover the cost of water needed to fight fires within the Village. This charge also covers the costs associated with maintaining hydrants, water mains, and water storage facilities. This is a fixed charge based on meter size.

Other Charges

Reconnection Charges: The charge for reinstalling a meter and turning on the valve at the curb stop, if necessary.

During normal business hours: $60.00
After normal business hours: $100.00

Payment Not Honored by Financial Institution Charge: $25.00 charge when a payment rendered for utility service is not honored by the customer’s financial institution.

Special Billing Charge: $25.00 charge to the requestor to cover administrative expenses whenever an existing customer or property owner requests a special billing outside of the normal utility billing schedule.

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