Pay Online

This service offers 24/7 access to your water and sewer account and the option to pay your bill online via credit card.* You can access this service by Quick Pay or by creating an account and logging in to Account Management.

Quick Pay:

No login required. Account number and last payment amount required to make a payment. If this is the first bill you are paying, enter 0 for the last payment amount.

Account Management:

Create an account to gain access to your account transaction history, sign-up for e-Billing, to manage multiple accounts, and to set up automatic payments via credit card. There is no fee to set up an online account.*

* $1.00 Processing Fee + $1.25 Municipal Online Payments Fee charged for each credit card transaction.

Sign Up for EZ Pay

Avoid transaction fees and have your monthly water and sewer bill automatically deducted from your checking account on the bills due date.

Your account will be charged on the due date shown on the bill.

No. There is no charge for EZ Pay.

Just as if you were paying by check, a $25.00 returned payment fee will be added to your account because the payment was not honored by your financial institution.

  1. Notify the Water Department of the change at 920-448-2808 or by email at
  2. Recomplete an EZ Pay Authorization form with your updated banking information.
  3. Submit the completed form to the Village at least 5 business days prior to the current bill’s due date to avoid a returned payment fee.

Payment Dropbox

Utility payments can also be dropped in either of the two dropboxes located at Village Hall. Dropbox payments are collected and entered daily. Payments placed in the drop box should be enclosed in an envelope and include your water bill stub. If you do not have your water bill stub, please indicate which account the payment should be applied to on the memo line of your check or on the envelope itself.

Dropbox 1 is yellow and is located at the north end of our parking lot.

Dropbox 2 is black and is located near the front Village Hall entrance.

Other Payment Options

Credit/Debit, Cash, and checks made to “Village of Allouez” can be paid at or mailed to:
Allouez Village Hall
1900 Libal Street
Green Bay, WI 54301

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