Brush piles no larger than eight (8) feet long and six (6) feet deep will be picked up at no charge on your garbage day during the scheduled brush pick-up weeks.
Brush is defined by the Village as:
Trimmings/woody material from shrubs, trees, and stalks from garden plants (e.g., rosebush and bamboo). Brush does not include tree roots or root balls, yard waste, leaves, or grass.
Steps to Ensure Pick-Up During Brush Week
Correct Brush Placement

Non-Collection Weeks
Residents are encouraged to bring brush to Lebrun Yard Waste Site located at 911 Lebrun Street, Green Bay, WI 54301. The site is open 24/7 for Allouez resident use only.
Any brush placed on the curb during a non-pick up week will be tagged with a forty-eight (48) hour notice to remove. If the items are not removed, the Village will pick up and bill the property owner for collection and disposal at a minimum cost of $200.
A patron may request brush pick-up during a non-collection week. The minimum pick-up charge during a non-collection week is $200. If the amount exceeds the volume of the Village haul truck, there will be a $200 charge for each additional truck load. Any unpaid charges will be placed on the real estate tax bill as a special charge. Contact Village Hall at 920-448-2800 to schedule a pick-up during a non-collection week.
Village front-loader used to collect residential bulk and brush:

Have you ever wondered what happens to your tree trimmings after they are picked up by the Village of Allouez?
Wonder no more! Below is a short video outlining the journey your brush makes to be properly recycled and reused within our community.
Non-Collectible Items
Residents may bring non-collectible items to the following locations:
Public Works Forms
All bidders on Village of Allouez contracts shall provide proof of responsibility in accordance with Chapter 66.0901(2) of the Wisconsin State Statutes.
Sign up for EZ Pay to have your monthly water and sewer bill automatically deducted from your checking account on the bills due date. Learn more here.
Permit required prior to beginning a project that involves boring or cutting into the street right-of-way.
Permit required for the construction, repair, relay/reconnect, or abandonment of a sanitary, storm, or water service line within the Village.
Permit required for the construction of a new street access/driveway within the Village.