Allouez Trail Connection
In 2015, the Village constructed a 1/2 mile trail linkage along HWY 172 from the Fox River Trail to Webster Avenue with the ultimate goal of connecting the Fox River Trail with the Resch Family East River Trail. The trail is plowed during the winter months to allow for use all year round.
Fox River Trail
The Fox River Trail is a Wisconsin State Trail that is maintained by the Brown County Parks Department. It runs the length of the Village along the Fox River and can be accessed in Allouez at Marine St., St. Francis Park, Lazarre St., Allouez Trail Connection, Heritage Hill Pond Trail (west of GBCI), and Sunset Park. The trail is plowed during the winter months to allow for use all year round. For more information on trail passes and access points, please contact the Brown County Parks Department at 920-448-4466.
Heritage Hill Pond Trail
In 2020 the Village constructed this trail connection around the pond west of Green Bay Correctional Institute (GBCI) to allow access to the Fox River Trail from Riverside Dr. The trail is plowed during the winter months to allow for use all year round.
Resch Family East River Trail
The Resch Family East River Trail is a 2.7 mile (one-way) nature & fitness trail that borders the East River in Allouez is available for nature lovers, walkers, joggers, bicyclists, in-line skaters, & fishing enthusiasts. The trail starts east of the Green Isle tennis courts & follows the East River south to the Village limits at Le Brun Road. It was the first paved recreation trail in the greater Green Bay area when first constructed in 1990. The trail is plowed during the winter months to allow for use all year round.
Dogs are allowed on this trail and must be on a 6′ leash at all times (no extended leashes please) and under control. Please clean up any pet waste and properly dispose of. There are waste bag dispensers and receptacles located along the length of the trail for users.
Parks Forms
Kiwanis Open Shelter availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Langlade Open Shelter availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Application Fee $25. Application must be submitted with payment for approval no less than 4 weeks prior to event.
Village Hall availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Wiese Park Gazebo availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Parks Contacts
Chris Clark, CPRP
Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Director
920-448-2800 x 104