2024 Park Projects
- Kiwanis Park parking lot reconstruction (carryover from 2023)
- Replace playground surfacing at Optimist Park
- East River Trail Masterplan
- Green Isle Park Memorial Garden
- LED site lighting at Green Isle Park
- New park entrance sign at Sunlight Park
2023 Park Projects
- Kiwanis Park parking lot reconstruction
- Green Isle Park Fitness Zone
- Security Cameras throughout Village parks
- Pollinator habitat plantings along Allouez Avenue
- New gazebo at Optimist Park donated by the Richard J Resch Foundation
- LED site lighting at Green Isle Park
- New park entrance sign at Riverview Park

Green Isle Park Fitness Zone (completed April 2023)
2022 Park Projects
- New playground equipment at Green Isle Park (carryover from 2021)
- New outdoor fitness equipment at Green Isle Park
- LED site lighting at Green Isle Park
- New park entrance sign at Eastlawn Park

Green Isle Playground Equipment (completed July 2022)
2021 Park Projects
- Reconstruction of roadway at Green Isle Park
- New playground equipment at Green Isle Park
- New playground equipment at Langlade Park (carryover from 2020)
- LED site lighting at Green Isle Park
- New park entrance sign at Kiwanis Park
2020 Park Projects
- Reconstruction of parking lots at Green Isle Park
- Pickleball courts at Kiwanis Park
- Kayak/Canoe launch at Kayaker’s Point
- Kayak/Canoe launch at Green Isle Park
- LED site lighting at Green Isle Park
- Replace fishing piers along East River at Green Isle Park
- New park entrance sign at Optimist Park

Kayaker's Point Launch (completed August 2020)
2019 Park Projects
- Create urban orchard at Wiese Park
- New park entrance sign at Webster Park
2018 Park Projects
- Parking lot construction at Optimist Park
- Rubber playground surfacing at Optimist Park
- New concession building at PHM Webster Park
- Ball diamond backstop at Eastlawn Park
- New park entrance sign at Green Isle Park
2017 Park Projects
- New playground equipment at Optimist Park
- Resurface the Resch Miracle Field (Miracle League) at Optimist Park
- Install trail at Optimist Park
- Reconstruction of trails in Green Isle Park
- Reconstruction of main entrance roadway and culverts at Green Isle Park
- Install bicycle repair stations at Green Isle and Wiese Park
- Replace fishing pier along East River at Riverview Park
- New park entrance sign at Broadview Soccer Complex
- New park entrance sign at Kayaker’s Point (carryover from 2016)
Parks Forms
Kiwanis Open Shelter availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Langlade Open Shelter availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Application Fee $25. Application must be submitted with payment for approval no less than 4 weeks prior to event.
Village Hall availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Wiese Park Gazebo availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Parks Contacts
Chris Clark, CPRP
Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Director
920-448-2800 x 104