The Village of Allouez implemented the first Tax Increment Finance District (TID) for the community. The idea of a TID within the boundaries of the Village of Allouez first began in 2005, with ideas of redeveloping the old Village Hall site. The proposed boundaries of the TID soon spread to include much of Webster Avenue, Riverside Drive, and Marine Street corridors.

The TID provides a business within the district funding to make approved façade improvements to existing structures or as an incentive to developers proposing projects within the TID. The façade improvement program will help maintain and enhance the overall attractiveness and commercial viability of existing businesses within the TID, while the development incentive program will encourage economic development and redevelopment for new businesses locating to the district.

Tax rates within the district are frozen at a base rate for the life of the program and any additional revenue above the base rate as a result of an increase in property value goes to provide funding for the development projects and public improvement in the area. This program is a long-term project that promises the redevelopment and economic success of Allouez for years to come.

For more information pertaining to the TID please see the links below or contact:

Village Owned Properties for Sale

No properties for sale at this time.

TID Information

Facade Improvement Program

Building & Zoning Permits

Sign Permits are required for all new, relocated, modified, or redesigned signs within the Village of Allouez. Before a sign may be displayed, the property owner or contractor shall submit an application for a permit to do the work.

The Allouez Business Association (ABA) is a 501(c)6 organization made up of local business owners and residents that focus on improving the relationships, development, and sustainability among Allouez business community. The organization was founded in 2009 and continues to grow as a prosperous outlet for promoting a cohesive bond between the businesses of Allouez. The group meets once a month to network and share different strategies to which help ensure a healthy economy for current and future businesses in Allouez.

Members of the Allouez Business Association see the benefits through networking, social events, guest speakers, and additional business exposure on the ABA website or other social media outlets, and involvement in several community events. The unique opportunity that the Allouez Business Association offers is that we are NOT exclusive to businesses within the Allouez Village limits. If your business is looking to expand or grow and would like the exposure, please consider joining our Association.

Contact Allouez Business Association

2221 S Webster Ave
Ste A PMB 154
Green Bay, WI 54301-2139

President: Gail M Van Dreel
920-432-1040 x 4242