Street Sweeping Program and Parking Ban

Published On: May 30, 2023Views: 787

In an effort to reduce the amount of material that enters the storm sewers and ultimately our waterways, to keep the streets clean, and to cost effectively meet the WDNR’S Municipal Storm Water Permit Requirements, the Village has a street sweeping program and a street sweeping parking ban.

Take an inside look at our street sweeping process-



NO PARKING is permitted on Village streets from April 1 to November 15 from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
on the scheduled day for garbage and recycling pickup on that street
to enable street sweeping curb to curb during the no-parking periods.

To keep our streets clean, we need everyone to help and to be responsible for their own rubbish.

Stormwater Runoff

Rain or snow melt and water from things people do, like over-watering
the lawn or letting fertilizer fall into the storm drain.

It’s the biggest threat to our nation’s water quality, according to
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

As water makes its way to the storm drain it picks up pollutants like
oil from car leaks and bacteria from pet waste.

We can choose products carefully and shape our lawns and pavement so
water sinks in as water makes its way to the storm drain it picks up pollutants
like oil from car leaks and bacteria from pet waste.

When we do, runoff is reduced, pollutants filter out and streams
and groundwater are protected.

Let’s make the small, important changes that will reduce that threat
and improve water quality and our lives!

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