All fees for rented facilities are due at time of reservation.
Year-Round Facilities (Except Holidays)
Seasonal Facilities Available May-September (Except Holidays)
Questions? Contact the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department at 920-448-2804 or by email at recreation@villageofallouezwi.gov.
Athletic Fields
All fees for rented athletic fields are due at time of reservation.
Multi-Purpose Field
Questions? Contact the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department at 920-448-2804 or by email at recreation@villageofallouezwi.gov.
Special Events
Parks Forms
Kiwanis Open Shelter availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Langlade Open Shelter availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Application Fee $25. Application must be submitted with payment for approval no less than 4 weeks prior to event.
Village Hall availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Wiese Park Gazebo availability, rates, and rules. All fees due at the time of reservation!
Parks Contacts
Chris Clark, CPRP
Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Director
920-448-2800 x 104