March 2, 2023

Published On: February 27, 2023Last Updated: February 5, 2024Views: 612

Audio / Minutes

Village of Allouez Comprehensive Plan 2023 Update Advisory Committee
Thursday, March 2nd, 2023
6:00 p.m.
Allouez Village Hall
Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Welcome and Introductions

3. Discussion regarding the role and responsibilities of the Advisory Committee

4. Overview of the project schedule for the comprehensive plan update

5. Discussion on public outreach and engagement for the comprehensive plan update

a. Date and time for the visioning session
b. Survey available for people unable to attend visioning session

6. Issues and opportunities to address in the comprehensive plan update

7. Presentation and discussion on background data and information to the Advisory Committee

8. Adjourn

Questions about an agenda item should be directed to Devin Yoder, Senior Planner, at the Brown County Planning Commission 920-448-6480,